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Zelda ocarina of time 2 revenge of ganon

2 participantes

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Zelda ocarina of time 2 revenge of ganon Empty Zelda ocarina of time 2 revenge of ganon

Mensagem  Ganon Dorf Qua 23 Abr - 19:34

Este zelda terá as seguintes áreas: 1:hyrule field       2:earth temple field 3:earth temple         4:water field  5:house of gales   6: death mountain  6pt2:tower of hera   7:hyrule castle 8:lorule field  9:dark  field  10:dark palace 11:water dark  field  12:water palace 13:dark forest field 14:forest temple 15:kakarico village  15pt2:thives village   16: kakarico temple between worlds   17:  fire field     18: turtle rock 19:dead mountain dark 20:ice palace 21:desert 22:desert palace 23:sky field 24:sky temple 25:hyrule castle ruins 26: lorule castle .Ura expansion:  27:Tower of Ura 28:dusk dunes 28pt2:hollow spires 28pt3:palace of souls 29:Thives´town 30:eastern highlands 31:palace of earth 32:thieves´town cemetery 33:death mountain 34:tower of fate 35:village of outcasts 36: palace of time  37:deads park 38:palace of thunder 39:frostwind valley 40:palace of ice 41:windpeak 42:palace of wind 43:the silent kingdom 44:palace of darkness 45 : pyramid of power 46:the final 47 :Bunos Tower of Ura ruins 48:Final Bonus 49:hyrule of dark castle  50:Credits                                                                                            Nota:os graficos desse game são feito por mim!!
Ganon Dorf
Ganon Dorf
Cat Suit Bell

Mensagens : 74
Moedas : 32
Data de inscrição : 14/02/2014
Idade : 20

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Zelda ocarina of time 2 revenge of ganon Empty Muito Bom

Mensagem  Bowser.Jr Ter 29 Abr - 13:14

Very Happy 

Mensagens : 11
Moedas : 7
Data de inscrição : 28/04/2014
Idade : 30
Localização : Brasil

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